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Friday, October 22, 2010


I started one of the projects I've been dreading but knew needed to be done. I am refinishing the armoire that my Dad built for me when I was 18 (it was my 18th birthday present).  It's all dinged up and it's a medium oak color that doesn't match anything else in my home. It currently holds our tv, DVD player, and all of our bedding.  I had a really rough day and I felt as though I needed to have a victory.  Starting this was a big breakthrough for me because I have not been able to complete any projects involving my Dad since his death because it's too emotional for me.  But tonight sitting in the garage sanding the drawers for the armoire, I know that I was not alone. I sat on my chair with my sandpaper in my hand and asked aloud, "Should I do this? Is it okay with you Dad?" and then it started to rain.  It poured actually.  I felt like it was my answer from him.  While I was sitting there sanding, I felt his presence quite strongly.  I could smell him. I know how this sounds.  I know it sounds nutty, but this is the first time this has happened and it was a very special gift to me.

My not-so-awesome camera phone photos to show you my progress on the drawer face.

Oh and yes, that is my knee. LOL

BEFORE (with varnish removed)....


DURING (after 1st coat of black/brown paint)...


1 comment:

  1. Not nutty in the slightest. I think it's great that you felt him there with you and by doing this project maybe a little part of you will be healed.
