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Thursday, January 31, 2008

I'm feeling better. Today was only a 2 muscle relaxer pill instead of 3. Every other day I've been clock watching when it's nearly time for a new dose. I felt good enough to go to school and to get my hair cut. My sister recommended a fabulous guy she knows to do my hair. I am thrilled with my new 'do. Pictures soon, I promise.

5 Great things about today:

1. My fab new hair.
2. The snow. We are in the midst of a big snow storm. I love when it is snowing. It's so quiet and clean. It feels like you are insulated in a big white cocoon.
3. Hello kitty pajamas.
4. Snuggling in my bed with my husband and my pooch.
5. Hempz body butter...amazing.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


We got Abby's first report card yesterday. Awww :-) They don't get letter grades yet just rated on how well they master things.

My back still hurts although I see some progress each day. I'd love to resume my normal life and jump back into my schedule: school, working out, seeing people. It's so frustrating. The really frustrating part is having to justify my absence to my professors. The thing is it's the school's fault I fell because they didn't take care of the snow and all. Grr. I am keeping up with my homework though so I don't get behind and keeping in communication with the professors so that they are understanding.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Back update

As the night went on my back got more tight and I was in much more pain. Knowing there'd be no I could manage the kids or going to the doctor on my own, Josh pulled an all-nighter at work to finish up a project. The judge had threatened him with contempt of court (sittin' in jail) if it wasn't done by this morning's court call. Yikes! That is love that he did that for me. My goodness....what a stressful situation for him.

So anyway, I went to the doctor this morning. I saw Josh and my sister's doctor actually (the sassy one!) and she said my lower back is strained. She prescribed me some heavy duty muscle relaxers and naproxen. The muscle relaxers make me tired and nauseous but at least I can now stand the pain better. I'm not supposed to drive while taking them which is nearly impossible but I'm going it to emergencies only.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

To bend or not to bend?

So apparently I did hurt my back with all of my falling down and sliding yesterday. I had a general body ache yesterday that got worse as the day went on, but I assumed it was due to my cold. This morning when I woke up I had muscle pain in my back. The more the day has gone on, the more it hurts. Now I'm at the point where I can't stand straight up. I've tried Aleve, the heating pad and Icy Hot. The only thing really helping is the Icy Hot. This really sucks. I hope it's better in the morning so I can go to class. Otherwise I'll be going to the doctor instead.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Mrs. Bump

Today I felt like a total klutz. We had gotten a few inches of snow last night and NIU hadn't really gotten around to plowing or shoveling sidewalks. People didn't park quite right. There was (and I kid you not) no more than a few inches on either side of my mirrors as I passed through an aisle in the parking lot. As I turned a corner at like 3mph, my car slid into a yield sign. Gah! Car is totally fine and so is the sign. However, I did fail to yield to the On my way to class, I slid and fell. I also slid, did not fall, but twisted my left ankle. On the way back from class to my car, I slid and fell down again. Needless to say, I was quite happy when I got home safe and sound. Phew!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Wine tasting night

"I have enjoyed great health at a great age because everyday since I can remember I have consumed a bottle of wine except when I have not felt well. Then I have consumed two bottles."--Bishop of Seville


Last night we had Matt and his roommate Tom over for a wine tasting night. We sampled a a good variety of whites and a few reds. I had gotten Josh a wine journal for Christmas because one of our hobbies is wine tasting and we always lose track of what we have tried. I recommend getting a journal if you are a wine enthusiast. Not only is it useful for keeping tabs on what you have tried, but it's fun filling out with a group of friends.


We also had a fabulous night of eating. For starters Josh made his homemade baked french onion soup. We also had cheese fondue with bread and soft pretzel sticks to dip in it. Dinner was a chicken and steak cajun pasta with alfredo sauce. For dessert I made mint chocolate brownies. Yum! We had Jarlsberg cheese and bleu cheese stuffed olives with our wine.

One of the favorites of the night, Papio Chardonnay:

Before the kids went to bed, Abby had to pose with her "boyfriend" Matt:

Saturday night we ordered a "Hurricane" pizza from Vinny's Pizza. It's 24 inches in diameter but that didn't stop 6 of us from taking it down in less than a 1/2 hour.

Josh's hand for comparison...


Sunday, January 20, 2008

Book Club

My attended my first ever book club meeting last night. My sister's neighbor Jessika hosted the meeting and invited me. It was a lot of fun. We had fondue and some girl talk while deciding on our first book. My "homework" from the night was to find out some basics about discussion questions, etc. since none of us had ever been part of a book club. There are some good sites out there with useful information.

Oprah's book club tips

Book Clubs Resource

I also learned that most publishers have a list of discussion questions for the books that they publish. Our first book is Atonement and I was able to go to the publisher's (Random House) website for what they call a reader's guide and get a list of discussion questions.

I think this will be a fun new thing for me since I love to read so much.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

A couples survey

Body: 1. What are your names?
Megan & Josh

2. How long have you been together?
Nearly 8 years

3. How long did you know each other before you started dating?
About 6 months

4. Who asked who out?
I asked him...he was really shy.

5. How old are each of you?
Me 31, Him 28

6. What are your astrological signs?
I'm a Libra, He's a Taurus

7. How tall are each of you?
We are both 5'6"

8. Whose mother do you see the most?

9. Who’s siblings do you see the most?
Mine (his live out of state)

10. Do you have any children together?

11. What about pets?
Yep again

12. If so, what kind?
2 cats and a pooch

13. Which bill is the hardest on you as a couple?
Medical bills

14. Where do each of you work?
He works for the gov't and has his own company. I am a stay at home mom and student.

15. Is that what you went to school for?
It's what we are currently going to school for I guess.

16. Did you go to the same school?

17. Are you from the same hometown?
No, we aren't even really "from" the same state. I have lived in IL all my life, he's lived a few different places.

18. Do you live in the same town now?
Well duh!

19. Who is the smartest?
I think that depends on who you ask. LOL. We are both pretty intelligent.

20. Who is the most sensitive?
Oh I am for sure.

17. Where do you eat out at most as a couple?
We jump around. We don't get much alone so we like to try different things.

18. Where do you shop the most as a couple?

19. Where is the furthest you have traveled as a couple?

21. Who is the most sexual?

22. Who has the best group of friends?
Well of course I would say I do. Although I have definitely developed a soft spot for a certain Matt down the street. :-D

23. Who has the craziest exes?
Definitely me

24. Who has the worst temper?
Definitely me again.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The joys of home ownership, LOL

We have been having house problems lately. First there was a leak of some sort in Abby's wall. Luckily it stopped leaking and the wall has been dry for several days. My Dad and Josh couldn't figure it out. One theory is that Abby was wetting the wall. The other theory is it was the water line going to the wash machine and it self-patched with sediment. Either way, glad it's dry. Then the dishwasher broke. Evan put a vase in there that had pebbles still in it and the pebbles clogged the drain and it was a yucky mess. I am really impressed with Josh who fixed it all on his own! It meant we stayed up until 1:30 this morning though, but it is well worth not buying a new dishwasher when this one is not quite 3 years old.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A little ole life update

I continue to feel icky. I'm tired, can't stay warm and have trouble sleeping. Also the nauseousness continues which sucks. I know that there is an end in sight though. As my TSH rises, I will feel better. That's how it was before and will be again. So I'm trying to stay positive and keep focused on feeling better.

I started spring semester at NIU today. I have one class that I go to lectures for 2 times a week. The other class is online with a few lectures on Saturdays. This first one feels like it will be a real challenge, but I'm excited about it. Josh took the day off and took me to class and helped me figure everything out. I feel like such a baby to want his help. It did really lessen my panic about starting, being in a new building, etc. It was really nice to be babied when I'm so tired and not feeling myself.

I am so excited about Relay For Life. Up until recently my team was number 4 for fundraising. Pretty cool! It should be fun.

About the neighbor:
The association called me back on Friday. I felt like I got to tell my side of things. I also found out it's just one person complaining and of course they wouldn't confirm it was her. I felt like I brought up valid points. But I got nowhere. I feel like it will never stop. If it's not one thing with her, it's another.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Reaching out into the internets

In regards to my earlier posts about Relay for Life, I am blown away by the responses. I am so lucky to know two fantastic women who reached out to me through the internet and very generously gave to the American Cancer Society on my behalf. Thank you not only for supporting me but for helping the many many people whose lives are affected by cancer. I feel so blessed to have you be a part of my life and I truly hope some day we'll meet in person so I can thank you for the time you reached out and touched my heart.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Relay For Life

I have formed Team Sparklefluff to walk in this year's Relay for Life. To join my team or donate to the American Cancer Society, please visit this link:

Friday, January 11, 2008

The hits just keep on coming

My neighbor strikes again. She obviously complained to the association again because I got a letter from them today. I am not proud to say that I was hysterical and called the association and while on the phone with them, broke down crying. Someone is supposed to be calling me back. I just feel like it will never stop. I don't know why she hates us so much.

The worst of it is that I feel helpless. I hate feeling helpless. Cancer makes me feel helpless enough. I really don't need another test of my strength.

I hope that Josh's company makes it huge and we can move soon. That is the only end in sight I see for her harassment to stop.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

If only Moms got sick days...

I have been feeling pretty bad the last couple of weeks because I've been first hyperthyroid and then hypothyroid. It's been rough on me but I've been making it through.

Early this morning I started feeling incredibly nauseous accompanied by a migraine. It was so tough to make Abby's breakfast. Then to compound matters, the dog got sick and I had to clean it up. It was a relief that Abby was in school so I could lay down after I took her. Unfortunately though as the day went on, I felt worse and worse. I got her a happy meal from Burger King thinking I wouldn't have to deal with food until Evan got home. Wrong! She seems to be going through a growth spurt and wants to eat constantly. I had to make her oatmeal, popcorn and get several drinks. Every trip to the kitchen was difficult for me and had to be followed by a trip to the bathroom.

It's hard for a 5 year old to understand why you just can't do things for them. It's hard because she can't do everything for herself. So today was a day where I was powered by love for my children because I didn't have the energy. If not for them, I would have crawled back into bed and slept all day. But I guess that days like today make me appreciate the other days more.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Stuck in hypo land

I am hypothyroid. My patience for it is running out. I'm exhausted but I have a hard time sleeping. I'm moody, I have headaches and I feel like a zombie. I feel like my brain is so slow. I have to think for a long time about things before they make sense. The worst though is definitely the tiredness. No amount of sleep or caffeine makes me feel "awake".

This made me chuckle though:
From Thyca
This one goes out to all you Hypo-ites out there. Sing it to the tune of "The Twelve Days Of Christmas". A-one and a-two....

In the first week of hypo hell
my symptoms gave to me
the need for a really great nap.

In the second week of hypo hell
my symptoms gave to me
two migraine headaches,
and the need for a really great nap.

In the third week of hypo hell
my symptoms gave to me
three seafood cravings,
two migraine headaches,
and the need for a really great nap.

In the fourth week of hypo hell
my symptoms gave to me
four bouts of weeping,
three seafood cravings,
two migraine headaches,
and the need for a really great nap.

In the fifth week of hypo hell
my symptoms gave to me
Four bouts of weeping,
three seafood cravings,
two migraine headaches,
and the need for a really great nap.

In the sixth week of hypo hell
my symptoms gave to me
six pounds of weight gain,
Four bouts of weeping,
three seafood cravings,
two migraine headaches,
and the need for a really great nap.

In the seventh week of hypo hell
my symptoms gave to me
seven days of dry skin,
six pounds of weight gain,
Four bouts of weeping,
three seafood cravings,
two migraine headaches,
and the need for a really great nap.

In the eighth week of hypo hell
my symptoms gave to me
eight constipations,
seven days of dry skin,
six pounds of weight gain,
Four bouts of weeping,
three seafood cravings,
two migraine headaches,
and the need for a really great nap.

In the ninth week of hypo hell
my symptoms gave to me
nine aching muscles,
eight constipations,
seven days of dry skin,
six pounds of weight gain,
Four bouts of weeping,
three seafood cravings,
two migraine headaches,
and the need for a really great nap.

In the tenth week of hypo hell
my symptoms gave to me
ten frozen fingers,
nine aching muscles,
eight constipations,
seven days of dry skin,
six pounds of weight gain,
Four bouts of weeping,
three seafood cravings,
two migraine headaches,
and the need for a really great nap.

In the eleventh week of hypo hell
my symptoms gave to me
eleven memory lapses,
and I forget the rest...

In the twelfth week of hypo hell
my symptoms gave to me
twelve temper tantrums,
eleven memory lapses,
ten frozen fingers,
nine aching muscles,
eight constipations,
seven days of dry skin,
six pounds of weight gain,
Four bouts of weeping,
three seafood cravings,
two migraine headaches,

Weekend Update

We had a nice weekend, despite being screwed with by our neighbor. It's not worth the energy of hating her. There's not really anything I can do about it anyways. Except never make a mistake than she can get me in trouble over.

Josh and I had a really nice date. We went to Maggiano's. We haven't been there in years. It was really nice and the food was super yummy. After lunch we went to see The Kite Runner. Josh and I both loved the book so we were really excited when we heard there was a film version coming out. The film was really well done. I knew that the rape seen was going to be hard for me to watch and honestly I had to turn my head and not watch because it was difficult. If you've read the book, you know it is an main ingredient of the storyline so they had to include it in the film.

Sunday my parents came out to our house. My Dad helped us out by repairing some drywall issues we have/had. I would like to being painting our house soon so it feels more like a home. I am a decent painter, but drywall repair perfection eludes me. Luckily my Dad is very skilled at that type of repair. I also got to see the proofs from my sister's wedding. They turned out really well. It will be hard for me to decide which ones to order because there are so many good ones.

Today it is 60 degrees. Hard to believe for January in northern Illinois. We may even have a thunderstorm later in the day. Selfishly I hope that it waits until after my DirecTV guy comes to fix my dish. This is the 3rd time we have had to reschedule over the weather and I am really hoping he can fix it today. I can go buy my textbooks today which is exciting. I am looking forward to seeing what's in store for the next semester. I start class next Tuesday. I am looking forward to getting back into my routine.

Relay For Life

It's time to start thinking about the 2008 Relay For Life! I plan on being there and doing what I can to raise money for the American Cancer Society. So I am curious who is planning to join me! I am thinking of starting a team this year to walk.

Here's the event info:

Event Date and Time
June 27-28, 2008 6pm-6am

Event Location
Kane County Cougars Stadium

Friday, January 4, 2008

Quote for today

“When you do a thing, do it with all your might. Put your whole soul into it. Stamp it with your own personality. Be active, be energetic, be enthusiastic and faithful, and you will accomplish your objective. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Happy 2008!

For the first time in days, I got dressed up and did my hair & make-up. So I have to share a photo:

We gave the kids ginger ale in wine glasses to celebrate. This was at about 10:30 though because Abby couldn't stay awake. I love how she has to have a straw in hers.

We had a snowstorm yesterday beginning in the early afternoon. Josh took this when he took the dog out at 11. This is our home.