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Monday, April 21, 2008

Best weekend ever!

This past weekend was the best one I've had in many months. It was so much fun hanging out with some of my closest friends and getting a chance to relax after the stress of the past few months.
Friday night Matt, Tom and Megan came down to uh break our blender with us. We wanted to whip up some margaritas with our new blender, but it self-destructed on the 1st try. Thank you Black and Decker! Luckily Matt has a way cooler blender than us and it actually doesn't eat it's own parts. The night started with margaritas and ended with shots of tequila.

Only Matt can drink margaritas from my Wonder Woman cup. Rock on Matt.


RIP Blendy 4/18/2008


Double Megans! Not May-gans.


Saturday morning, I picked up Amy and we headed to Lake Geneva for a girl's weekend with Alycia and Tracy. It was so nice to have girl talk, shop, go to the spa and just relax.


Pretty toes/fingers. Guess which ones are mine.


Of course things got a little silly when the Sparkletini came out.


1 comment:

  1. I had a great time haning out with the girls too (and catching up on some much needed sleep, too)! It is always nice to get away from daily responsibilities every now and again.

    My toes are so pretty! I am so happy I did the pedicure!
