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Thursday, October 30, 2008

If you live in Kane County...

I don't usually get very political on here although I believe most people know that I'm a strong democrat and Obama supporter. I do want to ask those of you who reside in Kane County to vote for a certain republican on Tuesday November 4th. Her name is Deb Seyller and she is seeking reelection for the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court.

I do have to admit a personal vested interest in her being reelected because she is after all my husband's boss. But more than that, I want to see her reelected because she is a good person and really has the best interests of the citizens in her county at heart. Deb is a person who stands behind her employees. She is a person who makes sure that those (including struggling single parents) who work in her office keep their jobs despite budget cuts. She is a person who is flexible when an employee's spouse is battling cancer. This is the kind of employer we need to keep in Kane County.

We all hate getting traffic tickets or going to court, but isn't it nice that if you have to deal with these things in Kane County you can expect it to go smoothly? Deb has done a lot to streamline processes and make the system run more efficiently. The new process for orders of protection keeps people safer. Who can argue with that kind of record?

Please visit Deb's website here to learn more about her. Thank you for reading this post.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing--I need all the input I can get for our local elections!
