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Thursday, October 16, 2008

A couple of random Abby pics

It's been a pretty busy week around our house between midterms for me, activities for the kids and Josh completing a Jamapps project. I have to say that I'm relieved that tomorrow is Friday and we don't have a whole lot planned for the weekend.

A couple of cute Abby pictures from this week. I wish I had some of Evan but anytime he sees the camera he hides his face. Ugh. Teenagers!


In her signature pose...

Reading a bedtime story with Daddy. She is really into the Pigeon books lately, such as "Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus" and "Don't Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late".


  1. Love your new blog look...isn't that site great? That first picture of you two is so sweet. What is Jamapps?

  2. Thank you! I do love that site. It's the easiest to use for a cute layout. Jamapps is my husband's software company. :-)
