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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Date night

As Abby has been getting around really well on her own with or without her walker (she scoots on her booty) we felt it was okay to have a date night. So we got all dolled up and went to Applebee's. It's not the fanciest but it was 5 minutes away in case we had to rush home. For me it felt good to get out of the house. I also haven't been taking much care in what I wear or doing my makeup lately so it was nice to make an effort. One thing I'm making more of an effort with is really enjoying my good moments and taking notice of them so that they can get me through the bad moments. So I'm going to make more of an effort to have date nights with my husband, take pictures, just find time to take that deep breath and enjoy it all.

Awhile ago, I bought a knock-off version from China of the Bump-it. They cost 1/2 the price and work pretty nice. It's not something I'd want in my hair all day but it sure beats teasing it and using tons of hairspray to get some lift in my hair.



Josh and I ready to go out....

And a random photo of the inside of Josh's car...


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