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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Why I love my "job"

I love being a stay-at-home mom because I get to witness all the cute, silly, wonderful things my children do. Just this morning:

The dog had a cough drop stuck to her paw. No doubt because Evan dropped it on the floor. He thinks cough drops are tasty. Through him, I found out that too many cough drops gives you diarrhea.

Over breakfast, Abby tells me:
"I know how you met Daddy. You walked up to him and said 'Is your name Boo Bear?"
Yes, Josh and I are one of those sickeningly sweet couples who have pet names for each other. Don't hate.

While Abby and I are trying to leave the house so she can go to school, Gracie (the dog) is trying to come with us. So Abby says to Gracie, "Gracie you cannot come to school. You are not a teacher. You are a dog!".
Useful information to have. All this time I had been thinking I could get Gracie a job....

Abby's school starts at 8:45. This morning we were running late and at 8:41 we were about to get to the train crossing that goes through the middle of our town. Of course we got stuck waiting for a train. A train that stopped and parked in town for 5 minutes. I tried to go around the train by turning down a side street but it was blocking the other crossing in town too, so I had to go back to where I originally was. Abby says to me "I'm sorry Mommy, I thought it would be faster to go the other way but we wound up back where we started!".
You all didn't know that a 5 year old is my navigator, did you? Ha ha.

There is no chance that I'd trade their antics (even on a bad day) for a cubicle. I am so lucky and so thankful that it's possible for me to be with them like this. I know it's not the right "job" for everyone to be a stay-at-home mom, but it's definitely the right job for me.

Currently reading :
Black Man's Grave: Letters From Sierra Leone
By Stewart
Release date: 15 January, 2007

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