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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Still cancer-free :-)

Today has been quite the day. It started off with saying goodbye to Abby's teacher as she goes on leave to have cancer treatment. She's a wonderful person and we wish her the best.

Then after dropping off Abby and heading to school, I ran out of gas. That's always fun in a rural area. Luckily Josh was able to come and help me. I am so blessed to have a husband who not only fixed my problem in the cold rain, but didn't complain about it and even better...made me laugh! Unfortunately by the time that was all taken care of, I missed class. I really hate missing class.

Then I had my appointment. She didn't feel anything in my neck. Yay! Also, she is no longer worried about my lymph nodes. Yay again! I have become less worried about them myself, but it was good to hear that we are no longer focusing on them in scans. My blood pressure was good and I'd lost a few pounds which was super surprising to me with all the stress I've been feeling. I was able to convince her to put my scan off until August. Since it's a week of going to the hospital everyday, $10,000 worth of tests & shots, and not feeling so hot...I really didn't want to do it during the school year.

After my appointment Josh took me out to lunch for Mexican food which was so nice. :-)