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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A day in the life

I thought it would be interesting to chronicle a typical day in my life. I've seen it done on other journals/blogs, so I thought hey, why not!? Plus I haven't taken photos in awhile and was itching to do so.


6:45--Wake up and make sure that Evan is going to the bus stop rather than still sleeping. Start getting me and Abby dressed, etc.
7:30--Wake Josh up so he can shower. Give Abby her nose spray and breathing treatment. Be forced to watch Penelope's Abby's choice.

8:00--Throw the chicken for tonight's dinner in the crock pot.
8:30--Take Abby to school.
Big sigh of I'm alone. Have breakfast and coffee while checking email, facebook, etc.
Breakfast today was cinnamon toast and coffee...

Do homework.


Do laundry.


Clean house.

Take Gracie outside and feed her. Here she is waiting for her treat after going potty.


Meet Sandy for lunch. I don't do this every day obviously, although it would be nice. LOL.

Go to class. Fight to stay awake since I've made myself hypothyroid after running out of Synthroid and waiting for more to arrive (finally did yesterday...Woot!) On the upside, it was so beautiful outside today. I really enjoyed my walk to class.


On the way home from class, stop in town and run an errand.


Get the mail, take the dog out. Spend about 20 minutes relaxing before Evan gets home from school.

Pick up Abby from school.

Check online to see what Evan's homework is and if he has missing work. Find out that he has a missing assignment and proceed to listen to 2 hours worth of protests and whining out of him while he tries desperately to avoid privilege loss.


Finish making chicken tacos which were super yummy.


Clean up dinner dishes.

Start up more laundry.

Declare that I need a few minutes to myself. Grab some Baileys & Milk and scoot upstairs along with Gracie to veg for a few minutes.


Watched Peanut's Valentine's Day special with Josh and Abby.


After Josh puts Abby to bed, watch Scrubs and do more laundry.

It was a busy day, but the important thing is that at the end of it...this who I get to be with...



  1. OK! This is my favorite blog of all time so far! I LOVE your blog, but this entry was WONDERFUL
