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Monday, January 26, 2009

An update on the chaos that is our lives...

Abby enjoyed going to school Wednesday, Thursday and Friday last week.  I really enjoyed going to school myself too.  It was also nice to have that time where I was alone at home to do some homework and get some housework done.  

We have unfortunately had a few more bumps in the road though.  Our desktop computer broke.  It probably seems small in comparison to everything else, but to me it really sucks.  I love playing The Sims 2 on that's my stress reliever.  Also, since that computer is out of service, our printer has stopped communicating with my Macbook which annoys me since I need to print things out for school. Ugh. 

Abby is also sick and was nearly hospitalized again.  She had a very bad asthma attack and her oxygen level was too low.  Luckily her doctor decided I could take her home on some strong steroids and give her nebulizer treatments every 4 fours rather than be admitted.  Unfortunately though she is missing school yet again.  She's off until further notice, but I'm hoping it will only turn out to be today and tomorrow.  As a result of her missing school, I am missing school. We are going back to the pediatrician tomorrow to see if Abby is breathing better.  

I am feeling very frustrated and to steal Amy's name for it...having a mommy meltdown!  I am not sure if I should stay in school or not.  I've missed a lot and am getting behind.  But at this point, I'd have to withdraw rather than drop and it will have some pretty negative consequences for me. I also hate to go to my professors and ask for favors.  I had to do that during cancer treatment and it sucked a lot.  I still feel icky about it.  I don't want to get to that point again.  Hopefully things will turn around for us soon.  I hate to be a Debbie Downer, but I feel like every time we take a step forward it's only to get hit in the face with something new. 

So that this isn't all negative, I'll leave you with a silly picture of myself.  I'm currently dying my hair and drinking some tea while doing my homework.  Oh yes, I multi-task.



  1. Ugh... it does seem like it can be 'one step forward, two steps back...' (hey, wasn't that in a Paula Abdul song??)

    I hope that Abby will be better soon! How scary and stressful for everyone! How is she holding up? How are you holding up?

    I hope everything gets squared away with your schooling. Everyone needs help once in a while and I don't think that you should look negatively at asking your professors for some leeway. They want you to succeed!

    I am sorry to hear about the setbacks. I guess the only thing you can really do is keep your head down and keep truckin' along. Yeah... maybe not 'magical' advice that will solve all your problems, but... It is realistic advice.

    I have been trying to get Rob to go out with me and get drunk on margaritas for an hour or so... He keeps declining... Maybe I am asking the wrong person, then? =)

    I, too, have stolen that "mommy meltdown" phrase from Amy. I guess she should have copywrited it... at least she could have collected royalties on it! =P

  2. I so wish that I could go out for margaritas with you! My brother in law sent us a margarita maker for Christmas, and sadly we've not been able to open it yet. Something about being sober while you're carrying your child around...darn. LOL, when the dust settles I will so be up for going out on the town.

  3. Mmmmm...did someone say margaritas!!!

    You ladies are more than welcome to share my phrase "mommy meltdown", and I won't even ask for money! In fact, I probably stole the phrase from someone else, but can't remember because of my mommy brain. LOL The stress of being a mommy is sometimes more than anyone can take...but, we are not alone. We can do this, and we have to lean on each other for support!

    BTW...did someone say margaritas!

  4. It sounds like you really do have a lot on your plate. What a tough choice to make about school. At the same time, I have known women who have stuck it out, and women who put it down for the time being. Both those women wonder if it was the right choice--you just gotta do what is in your heart. I hope Abby is feeling better soon!
