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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Back to "normal"...

Today was Abby's first day back to school in a month (Christmas break + leg). I have been a nervous nellie all day worrying about her. Whether or not she'll make it to the potty, if she'll be in pain or if she'll step on that leg. Taking her to school and picking her up is such an ordeal with her wheelchair and her walker. Luckily Josh will be doing later hours until her cast is off so he can help me out.  I don't know how I'd do it alone. 

I don't want to complain (but I will) but I'm so tired and overwhelmed with all of this. Josh and I are physically exhausted.  Most days both of our backs are hurting from lifting Abby or her wheelchair. I hurt my knee lifting her out of the car which sucks.  Hopefully it won't hurt for long because I don't really have time for it. Abby also gets us up a few times per night for bathroom breaks. I don't know when my last real conversation was. BUT, I am really glad that I can take care of her.  I don't know what we would do if we were both working outside the home or if Josh's office wasn't flexible. 

But I'm really happy for her that she can be among her friends again. Plus she has always loved being at school. I called to ask a question earlier and kinda check on her (it's a small school, so I wasn't bugging them) and the school secretary said she's like a rock star. The kids are so happy she's back and are all begging to write on her cast.

So Josh is back at the office, both kids are in school and I'm starting to figure out my schedule with school and homework. It's my 1st day alone in a month.  It's very quiet...just me and Gracie and the sound of the washer/dryer running.  It's so weird.  I hope that when things calm down I'll be able to catch up with everyone and get some things squared away around the house.

1 comment:

  1. You must be exhausted. I am telling you if I lived even in the same state i would be there for you. If I had money to get the airport, I would fly to see you! You guys have been through so much and I hope you enjoyed a little ME time!
