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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Stop this crazy ride, I want to get off for awhile!

Have you ever wished that you could put life on pause while you deal with a crisis or illness? Well that's how I've been feeling the past few weeks. I only wish I had a magic remote control to pause our lives. If only it worked that way. It goes back even before Abby's accident happened with feeling stressed about various different things.

Since Abby broke her leg, the things I was stressing over before have faded into the background and were replaced by new worries. In a way, it was good to be reminded of the things that are worth worrying about. The other things were trivial compared to my worry over my daughter. But on the other hand, I'd really just like some time to not worry for awhile.

All of my posts on here as well as my real life conversations have revolved around Abby's leg. How it's doing, how she's doing, how we are taking care of her and what the consequences of her injury are for the family. The reason that everything revolves around the topic of her broken leg is because right now our lives revolve around her injury. She can't go to the bathroom by takes both Josh and I to get there. She cannot get around by herself yet...we carry her or wheel her around. I cannot count how many times per day I am Abby's step-and-fetch-it-girl.

Added to all that is the fact that Josh and I both started our spring semesters on Monday. I had to drop a class because I will have to pick Abby from school (when she goes back) rather than Josh because my car is bigger so I only have 3 classes. I am at NIU every day of the week attending class. Josh has only 1 class this semester but it meets for 3 hours on the night that he has to go. I love school. I am thankful for the opportunity to attend NIU this semester, but school adds a lot of time commitment and work to the already full load I have right now.

I know it sounds like I'm complaining. I am not. I am just sharing what a typical day is like around our house now. I would do anything for Abby and Evan. I am just looking forward to the time I spend with them being fun playtime instead!

I also want to explain that the reason that I haven't called, emailed, sent out thank you notes and even a few lingering Christmas cards/gifts is because I'm swamped. I'm overtired and overwhelmed with life right now. Since I can't press pause, I can only ask for patience...yours and mine. Eventually life will get back to normal (whatever that is) and I'll get back on the ball with everything.

The Buddhist monk and teacher Thich Nhat Hanh said, “People deal too much with the negative, with what is wrong...Why not try and see positive things, to just touch those things and make them bloom?” This is my goal for today. Not seeing only what is wrong, but trying to see the good in all this craziness right now. No matter how hard that may be. But until I get that, I will just have to settle for the occasional giggle I get from laughing at myself.



  1. I never sent thank you cards cuz... I just don't wanna. My friends and family should know how grateful I am for them. (Don't I say it enough?) And stamps are friggin' expensive!! Motherhood is tough. I know that I don't know the half of it. But I recall when both my parents had surgery in the same week and I had to take care of them both. That was exhausting. So I can pseudo empathize. Why do Mommys have to sacrifise so much?

  2. I LOVE that picture! You have had a lot going on and it should be about A! You are so strong and you are just such a great Mommy!

  3. It sounds like you are incredibly devoted and loving, and I wish you the gift of breathing again! :)
