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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

7 Things

A - List 7 habits/quirks/facts
B - Tag 7 people to do the same
C - Don't tag the person who tagged you, or tag "Whoever wants to do it"

1. I am working on becoming fluent in french and then I will start learning another language. I'd like to learn as many as possible.

2. I am really scared of taking a semester off of my education and I will likely have to in the fall. I haven't taken time off for cancer or any crisis that's happened in my life.

3. I pretty much only watch HGTV because of 2 reasons: Home improvement makes me feel close to my Dad. There's no chance of upsetting medical type of things on that channel.

4. I don't believe in hell. There is enough hell in this world already.

5. I was raised Lutheran, but as an adult I feel that Universalist Unitarian more closely describes my beliefs. In my opinion, there are many paths to spirtuality and I respect them all. I also like to think of religion as being a buffet of beliefs where you can get what you need from different disciplines.

6. I don't understand why Farmville is so popular or has so much staying power.

7. If I could be a fictional character, I would totally be Elle Woods from Legally Blonde.

I'm not tagging anyone. Fill 'er out if you'd like to.

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