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Friday, June 5, 2009

Friday Five: 5 Things I want to improve on

A friend of mine once said that from time to time he thought it was a good idea to take a step back and evaluate his life and what needed to be changed.  I agree.  It's too easy to get into a rut and not see how things could be better. I am at a point in my life where I feel that I need to make some changes.  I think it's a great thing to be always evolving as a person, changing things up on a path to improvement.  These are 5 things I am working on right now.

1. Patience. This is about more than waiting in line.  It's about letting go of the need to control things when it's not possible and just letting fate step in. 

2. Spirituality.  I need to find more spiritual guidance.  Finding a faith "home" means overcoming my social anxiety and putting myself in a situation outside of my comfort zone.  The payoff will be worth the anxiety. 

3. Organization.  This is such an important ingredient in living a lower stress life. How can anyone feel calm if there surroundings are in disarray?  

4. Home Improvement.  Time to face the fact that the housing market is not getting better and we are not going to win the lottery (mostly because we don't even play).  This leads me to want to make the best out of what I do have.  I am tired of looking at scuffed up white walls...time to paint them. Rather than vocalizing my dissatisfaction over my surroundings, I need to change them.

5. My relationship with food.  Obviously we need food to survive, but we don't need it to cope. I am working to nourish my body instead of using it to soothe my soul.  It doesn't soothe me.  It makes me feel causes me more pain. While it's true that I don't have good metabolism, there are things I am doing that prevent me from losing this extra weight. Time to take responsibility for that.  Time to break up with cheese fries!

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