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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Good thoughts and prayers needed

This blurry ultrasound photo is of my niece or nephew. 

This is my baby sister Cassandra, who is 4 months pregnant.


We have known for awhile that along with the baby, Cassandra has a fibroid in her uterus. Today we found out that the placement and size of this fibroid is not so great. In fact, she's a high risk pregnancy and currently on bed rest. There is a danger of the baby's oxygen being cut off. There are also dangers for my sister.

Cassandra and I might get into our little arguments or whatever, but she is always my baby sister. And I love my baby sister VERY much. I am very worried about them both. Please keep Cassandra, her husband Joe and their baby in your thoughts and prayers.


  1. Thinking of you and her. I really would like her to talk to my friend Brooke who is currently basking in the sun in Aruba. She had a MASSIVE fibroid during her pregnancy and Brayden was delivered c-section...she may be able to give her some better support.oxox

  2. I'm sorry to hear about the fibroid...I know first hand how scary certain things during pregnancy can be, and what it's like to be on bed rest. I'll keep her in my prayers. On a lighter note, congrats on being an aunt! Having a supportive big sis is always a blessing. Glad you are there for one another.

  3. You know I am praying for Cassandra, Joe and their little one.
