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Monday, April 13, 2009

Rest in Peace Cooper

Early this morning my best friend Amy and her family lost their beloved dog Cooper to a terminal heart tumor. Cooper was a very sweet dog and he will be missed. As anyone who owns a dog knows, they are more than a pet. A dog becomes an integral part of the family as our playmates, exercise partners, guardians of our children and homes and sometimes our closest confidants. My thoughts are with Amy and her family today as they deal with their loss.



  1. Thank you for posting that Megan. It means a lot to me. It just feels so strange not having him around the house. We have yet to clean up all his things. Matt just told Brayden, and as any three-year-old would react, he seemed unphased.

  2. If there is anything I can do, please call.

  3. Thank you...Matt took the day off work today, so he is home too. Each day will get easier and easier, but I can't get rid of this pit in my stomach. I was literally sick all night over all of this. I thought I had caught a bug of some sort, but my mom thinks it's just my body's reaction to the tragedy.
