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Friday, April 3, 2009

Friday Five: 5 things I'm grateful for today

It's so easy to be too busy to stop and smell the roses. So every Friday I'm going to post something positive that makes me stop and think about the good things in my life.

5 Things I'm Grateful for Today:

1. The weather is nice enough that I could drive home from school with my sunroof open today. It was also nice enough to take the dog for a little walk.

2. Steak N Shake has Coke Zero which is my favorite soda. It's nice when you can mix easy and calorie free. (Stopped there on my way home today)

3. I get to scrapbook with my best pal Amy tonight.

4. Mini-roses in a pot on my kitchen windowsill. They're even pink.

5. Hugs and kisses.

What are you grateful for today?


  1. Great thankful thankful blog was thankful thursday!

  2. I'm thankful the kids are playing nicely right now so I can read your blog (knock on wood...)

  3. I am thankful that Matt has a job, we have a house and we have our health!
