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Friday, May 30, 2008

Friday update

It's been a busy week around our household. Last night I went to my close friend (and fellow cancer survivor) Amanda's bachelorette party which was fun. I am feeling my age though and couldn't stay out long. Knowing that you have to get up with the kids makes it harder to stay out late partying it up. Amanda is getting married this afternoon. I know she is a little bummed that it's thunderstorming all day, but I remember hearing that it is good luck to have rain on your wedding day. From experience, I know couples (including us) who had some rain on their big day and are really happily married. So it must be true!
Me and the bride on her last night as a single woman!

I got my lab results yesterday from my latest blood test. Good news/not-so-good news. The good news is that my TSH is right for the 2nd time since I started this whole cancer misadventure. What the heck is TSH you ask? It stand for thyroid stimulating hormone. Since I have cancer, this number is very important to me. My TSH has to be under .05 to keep these thyroid hormones suppressed. In theory, if I have any thyroid cells lingering in my body (and my doctor cannot definitively tell me there are none in there), a high TSH could stimulate the cancer to come back and grow. My TSH number is also important because it is a gauge on how I am feeling. If the number is too high, I feel like a zombie. If it is too low I am also tired, but experience other icky side effects. The bad news is that I'm still not feeling very good. I don't have a lot of energy. There is one other part of my thyroid panel called Free T4 that is running towards the higher end of the "normal" spectrum so I will be researching if that may be to blame and talking to my doctor. Otherwise, I guess I'll just have to give up my partying night owl ways. Ha ha. If you know me, you know that I am such a homebody!

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