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Thursday, November 6, 2008


I was tagged by Amy to list 7 weird things about me. I'm supposed to tag 7 other people, but 2 of the people I could tag have already been tagged. So anyways, here we go...

1. When I'm mad, I clean. It calms me down. I always start in the kitchen for some reason.

2. I love Chex mix, but I'll only eat the Chex cereal pieces. I feed all the other ingredients to the dog or throw them away.

3. I'm weird about what I eat for lunch. If I'm in the mood for say a peanut butter & jelly sandwich, I'll only want to eat that for weeks. Right now it's pizza bagels.

4. I have a hand lotion obsession. I put it on probably 50 times a day.

5. I can't clean a bedroom without the bed being made first.

6. I have most of the lines to every Spongebob episode memorized.

7. When I'm stressed out or sad, I like to play The SIMS 2.

1 comment:

  1. I sooooo get the whole making the bed first to clean the room. A made bed makes the room look so much cleaner and inviting! Of course, mine isn't made right now, but oh well!
