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Friday, November 21, 2008

Meet Rosie

This is Rosie.


Rosie is that hard to see pink flower in the cup and she belongs to Abby. Saturday Abby and I went to the Jewel and bought ourselves some flowers. I let Abby choose and she picked out pink carnations. She really wanted to take one flower and have it in her room so I let her.

I honestly figured the novelty of it would wear off by the end of the day, but I underestimated my daughter. She has given me daily updates on how her flower is doing and shown me how she is taking care of it (sitting it in her windowsill and making sure it gets some sunshine). This morning she brought the flower to me though and said, "Mommy, Rosie is dying. I think we should throw her away." Up until this point I wasn't aware that the flower had a name. While the flower is drying up, I didn't want to end this friendship so quickly so I told her "I think Rosie has another day or two". And Abby said "Maybe if she had some friends, she wouldn't be sad and she'd live longer."

Some days you want to send your kids to Grandma's until they are 25. And then there are days like today when they do something that makes your heart overflow with love for them.

1 comment:

  1. I have to admit, I teared up a bit. She has no idea how wise she is.
