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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Back-to-school update

So here we are 1/2 way through the first week of school. Thought I'd post a little update to how we are all doing.

Evan: likes his classes and teachers. He has friends in most of classes and of course that makes it easier. So far, he's staying on top of homework and following the rules. We have sat down with him and agreed on goals for the year and offered rewards for reaching them.

Abby: loves school. She told me that she likes staying the whole day because then they "have time for great big fun". She seems to want to be more independent. She announced today that she would no longer be watching "baby cartoons" because she's a 1st grader. I told her that it is more important to do what she likes and is interested in than worrying about if it's a "baby" thing to do.

Me: I like my classes and professors. I am excited to be learning about 2 different sections of anthropology: linguistics and archaeology. It's easy to get focused on just taking cultural classes since that's my interest. I love my French class and while it is more of a review for me, it's nice. The past two days I have felt pretty weepy about the fact that my babies are back in school. It's hardest to see Abby be there for the full day because it's such a big change. It's definitely a challenge for me to transition through. I am very thankful for the quiet time I have to study during the day. I've never really had that before and I'm sure it will help my grades!

On this afternoon's agenda:
*get parking permit
*archaeology homework
*running to Target to fill Abby's eczema/allergy/asthma prescriptions
*baking bread


  1. It sounds like Abby was very brave starting school all day! :) Love the new look of your blog (new to me, I haven't been here in awhile). Your classes sound interesting!
