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Monday, December 3, 2007

Alone Time

Three mornings during the week I am all alone (besides the dog) for a couple of hours. I cherish that time. That time alone builds up my store of patience for times when I lose my keys, the kids are fighting or the dog takes a big ole dump on the floor. The month of November has not provided me with a lot of alone time. The kids have had a lot of days off for conferences and then of course Thanksgiving. My husband has even been off for Veteran's Day. While I enjoy their company, I also need my "me time". Now, at the beginning of December I find myself feeling very frazzled and in need of "me time".

Just this morning...
*Evan left the front door open causing Abby, the dog and I to freeze until we discovered the source of the frigid air.
*The dog took a dump on the floor so big that I stood and stared at it for a full minute trying to figure out how such a big pile could come out of such a small dog.
*Cleaning up said poo pile caused me to vomit and then flushing it caused the toilet to be plugged up.
*My car would not start.
*After calling hubby home to help me, he of course starts it right away.
*Had to locate which of Evan's clothes smelled of cat pee and wash them right away. Did I mention that I really really hate cats?
*Dyed my hair and now see a spot I think I missed.

*Sigh* I really need a stress free morning alone. I need one where a sexy scruffy waiter brings me chocolate croissants on a tray and some fabulous mint chocolatey coffee from Starbucks. I need a morning where Oprah has on a riveting topic. I need a morning where I can lounge in my pj's and contemplate life.

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