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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My little mermaid

Despite the cooler weather, we are continuing to spend a lot of time at the pool. I don't necessarily swim every time we go, but Abby does. It's really nice for me to have the quiet time watching her swim or reading a book. I am also working on teaching her to swim or at least dog paddle. She's catching on. At least enough that she can now go on the smaller water slide by herself because she is able to swim to the wall at the end.

When it's warm enough for me to swim, during adult swim I do laps while she sats at the edge of the pool. When it's chilly I read. Today Abby told me she was bringing a book with to read with me during adult swim. I didn't think much of it other than that it was a good idea. When we got to the pool she asked me to hold her little bag which contained her book and I saw her reading choice: "To Kill A Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. She told me she'd already read the first page. LOL, she is a good reader but not ready for that one yet. After the pool we went to Borders and she got to buy her first chapter book so she has something umm...appropriate to read. I'm so glad that both of my children share my love of reading.

Some pictures of Abby in the pool:




In case you are wondering why the photos are only of Abby it is for 2 reasons.

1. Evan is old enough to realize it's too chilly to swim. Whereas Abby is just happy to go to the pool still.
2. Evan is 14 and suddenly hates being photographed.

1 comment:

  1. Your post made me laugh. 14 yr old boys....gotta love 'em! and I agree, it is so sweet of your husband to be making those yummy treats for you. He clearly knows you're worth it! :)
