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Monday, July 20, 2009

LID (an acronym for the dreaded Low Iodine Diet)

Today is the first day of the Low Iodine Diet that I need to be on in order to make my cells hungry for iodine. And why would they want to be hungry for iodine, you ask? Because on August 5th a nuclear medicine tech will take me into a little room and give me small dose of a radioactive isotope. And this will be taken up by any thyroid cells floating around my body. This will be my 5th scan of this type. It's always a guaranteed week of fun with all the hospital visits, butt shots (thyrogen), radiation, waiting and the not being able to calm my feelings of panic with some therapeutic chocolate.

It's early in the day, but I already feel sad about the LID. Breakfast today was a banana. I love bananas. I love them in banana splits. I love them in banana bread. I really love them in milkshakes. But this banana was plain and quite unaccompanied by my usual morning chocolate coffee complete with milk and sugar. You see I could still have the coffee, but without the milk. Yuck.

Happily this morning I stumbled across the DearThyroid blog where thyroid patients send in their "thyrants" or little notes to their thyroid. It definitely made me chuckle on an otherwise difficult morning. I have a message for my thyroid today and it's simple....

Dear Thyroid,
I hate you.

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