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Monday, July 28, 2008

Things I am tired of saying, but use on a daily basis.

When you have children, you find yourselves not only saying odd things that you thought you'd never have to say but repeating the same directions over and over. For instance:

*You need to stop
*That's a 1
*We don't hit our brother
*Arms (of couches) are for our arms, not our bottoms.
*Did you brush your teeth? ::pause:: today?
*Don't talk just to hear yourself talk.
*Whose wrapper is this?
*What do we do with our dishes when we are done eating?
*....and why am I paying you allowance?
*Clean up your noodle mess
*Please stop talking to your imaginary friends and get ready to go.
*Because I said so.
*Do you know why you had to sit in the naughty chair?
*We'll see (as in I don't really want to say "no" at this time because you'll flip out, but I have no intention of saying yes).


  1. This post made me chuckle. My own favorite line recently was "Where's your diaper?" Spoken to Eliot at 4 AM when I went to see why he was fussing in his crib. It's been hot and we have no AC so we decided there would be no harm in putting Eliot to bed in just a t-shirt and diaper. Apparently a bad idea - sometime around 4 AM he decided not to wear a diaper - but thankfully no repercussions other than rediapering and calming.

  2. That is too funny!!! You have inspired me to come up with my own list...# lately would two need to learn to play nicely together! LOL
