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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Abby's 6th birthday

Friday our baby turned 6 years old. It is hard to accept that it's been that long since she was born. Here is our first photo together:


I remember the ultrasound where my pregnancy was far enough along to see the baby's sex. Josh and I had decided we wanted to know, although we felt pretty sure we'd be having a boy. In the Orr family, girls didn't come along all that often. Secretly though, I desperately wanted a girl and knew she'd be named Abigail. When the technician said we were expecting a girl, I was shocked. I made her double check. I remember that floating on air feeling leaving the hospital knowing that I was finally getting a daughter.

My pregnancy with Abby wasn't the easiest. I was sick and I did a few stints of bed rest. She was delivered early (and let me tell you being induced is no picnic) because it was feared she'd be too big to be a vaginal delivery. She wasn't. She wound up weighing 8lbs 4 oz instead of the over 10lbs my doctor predicted. When we heard those first cries, we were so overjoyed that we were laughing through our tears. That's what Abby brings into our lives--lots of laughter.

And here she is on her 6th birthday. After a breakfast birthday celebration, we spent the day at the pool just as she requested.

A birthday waffle:




At the pool, trying to swim:

With her Daddy in the "big kid pool" as she calls it:


Wearing her apron with her rosy sunburned cheeks, helping her Daddy make frosting for her cookie pizza:


Stay tuned for her birthday party pictures to be posted.

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