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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My perfect day

My therapist is always asking me "what do you need?". And often my answer is "more quiet time" or "sleep". I also think I need a great day of indulging myself. So it got me thinking about my "perfect day". My perfect day would go pretty much like this....

Coffee and a blueberry muffin or the like for breakfast eaten outside on my balcony. Even better if the birds are singing and I can watch the occasional plane take-off or landing going on at the airport across the street.

A late morning manicure/pedicure with a good friend or two.

Eating lunch out at a cool cafe where they have chicken salad on a croissant or a great tomato soup. Followed by doing a little shopping. I'd love to hit up some thrift stores and hunt for some treasures.

Then catching a movie, preferably something that makes me laugh.

Have a late dinner (pizza with the kids) and then doing a fire in our fire pit. Sitting around having good conversation while drinking some wine.

That would a perfect day in my book. What is your idea of a perfect day?


  1. Sounds lovely! My perfect day would involve going thrifting as well and then painting to my heart's content with the option of staying up all night to sleep in the next day. ;)

  2. That sounds nice too Eve. I miss those weekends where you could stay up until 3am and not have any kids to worry about getting up with in the morning.
