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Sunday, March 28, 2010

You know you're an anthropologist if....

In celebration of the fact that I'll soon have my BA in anthropology....

I found most of this here but I've also added a few of my own.

You Know You're an Anthropologist When...

...your parents still ask what you do for a living. irritate those around you by how often you say, "That's very Navajo because..."'ve had to explain what an anthropologist more times than you can count.
...when you tell people that your major is anthropology they give you a blank stare in return.'ve lost count of how many times you've seen Last of the Dogmen. feel the need to give a brief lesson on kinship terminology every time someone introduces a "second cousin." experience withdrawal whenever you turn off the Discovery Channel. not only know who Margaret Meade was, you can quote her. get into arguments over how dogs were domesticated. watch The X-Files for obscure references to the Anasazi. can name every bone in the human body, but none of the muscles.'ve read every one of Tony Hillerman's Navajo mysteries. wonder how many goats to give a friend, and how many cows that girl you like is worth. can name most of Jane Goodall's chimps.
...your car has an "Archaeologists Do It in the Dirt" bumper sticker.'ve memorized the narration to The Hunters. can say,"And what do you call the husband of the woman who gave birth to you?" in a language other than English.
...your sister joins a cult and your first thought is, "Fieldwork opportunity!" know random information about cultures that most of your friends haven't even heard of. have no dress code and in fact people expect you to dress "different". chuckle when someone mentions Bonobos.
...your friends don't think it's weird you have a shrunken head on your desk. college courses your reading list is so long you have a "what not to read" list because it's shorter.'ve tried making your own stone tools.

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